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Doula at Home

What does a Doula do?

Doulas Are All About You

During your pregnancy and birth, you will be under the care of your doctors and midwives. They will checking that all is medically well with you and your baby. As your doula, I will be taking care of the rest.
In other words, while your doctor is checking to see how far you are dilated, I will be by your side reminding you to relax and of the plans and wishes you had for your birth.  Making you comfortable and doing all I can for an empowering birth experience.
The same is true postpartum – whilst your midwife is making sure you are healing well and that baby is thriving, I will help you feel comfortable and confident in caring for your newborn and make sure you get enough sleep and eat healthily. I’ll make sure that the household is not too overwhelming, that visitors are not too frequent and that you can slow down and take enough time for yourself to fully recover.

Doulas are your guide to local resources

Even before your birth I can help you navigate the different options and procedures for maternity care in Switzerland and can point you in the direction of specialist advice.
We will prepare for your birth experience, talk about your hopes, wishes and fears and together create a birth map to prepare you and your partner for the journey ahead.
As your Doula I can help you build a team of local care providers to aid your recovery postpartum, such as lactation consultants, physiotherapist, massage therapists and more.

Doulas Can Help Lower Birth Risks

Having the continuous support of a doula before, during and after birth has been proven in many studies to increase parents satisfaction with their birth experience. A positive birth experience in turn can hugely impact parents confidence as they start their journey as a new parent. 


The 2017 Cochrain Review studied the benefits of continuous support during childbirth. The researchers found that overall, people who have continuous support during childbirth by a doula experience a:


  • 25% decrease in the risk of Cesarean; the largest effect was seen with a doula (39% decrease)

  • 8% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth; the largest effect was seen with a doula (15% increase)

  • 10% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief

  • Shorter labours by 41 minutes on average

  • 38% decrease in the baby’s risk of a low five minute Apgar score

  • 31% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience

You can learn more about this and other research into the benefits of doulas at

Doulas work together with midwives & Doctors

Doctors and midwives are often happy to have doulas working with them. Medical-care providers are responsible for the mother's and baby's clinical care, but in a busy maternity ward that they don’t always have the capacity to provide the emotional support a birthing woman needs. Also, a long labour and hospital shift changes can mean unsettling changes in personnel during your birth. As your doula I will be a present throughout your labour.


Postpartum Midwifes too are often busy and don’t have as much time as they would like to spend with new parents. I only take a few clients at a time so that I can give you as much time as you need to help you with the baby, focus on your recovery and to talk through any worries or questions you might have.

Doulas also Support Your Partner

Many partners want to be a rock for the mother of their child, but they often feel just as nervous and uncertain as the mother. As your doula I provide reassurance and support for both parents, and can help guide a partner on how best to support the mother during birth with massage and other comfort measures.


I will support your partner to feel positive and comfortable in assisting during the birth. They are an integral part of the birth experience and I will empower them to feel confident by your side in the birth room.


Back at home too, your partner and I will work as a team to nurture you as you recover and heal and get to grips with feeding. I will be there to support you both as you enjoy a time of rest, retreat and bonding with your new baby.


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Your cheerleader and guide as you journey through pregnancy and childbirth. I will be there by your side every step of the way.

Compassionate and practical support as you create your own postpartum sanctuary for you and your baby.

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