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What is a Mothers Circle?


We were never meant to mother alone, using Google and Parenting books written by “experts”. We were supposed to raise our children in a rich, intergenerational community, surrounded by the support and strength of others - particularly other women.


We should be able to ask for help when we’re struggling, celebrate our successes and milestones with others who understand, lean on each other in tough times. We were never meant to be doing this alone.


By connecting with other mothers in a Mothers Circle you will realise that you are not alone. You give so much to your family, a Mother Circle is a place to focus on your experience and your wellbeing. It is a safe space to sit and talk about how you're feeling where nobody will judge you. It’s a space for you to pause the everyday rush, to breathe, relax and rest.

Circles are a safe place to share both the positive and the negative. As mothers, as people, we learn by trying things out, through talking and receiving help and guidance from others and their experience.  We all make mistakes, we all change course. A Mother Circle is a space to be honest about what is on our minds  and in our hearts.


It's where you can be vulnerable and you don't have to worry about what anyone thinks. Whatever happens in the Mother Circle stays confidential. We all understand that motherhood can be challenging and we honour anything you share. We are all in this together.

A Mother Circle is also allows you the space to focus on what you what to bring into your life, where you want to spend your energy going forward and what you can leave behind. It is your place to celebrate the beautiful woman and mother you are. Inside the Mother Circle, you can reset and find balance through conversation and sharing. It's like taking a big deep breath and letting go of your responsibilities for a few hours.


Circles are full of stories and laughter as well as sometimes tears. We breath together, stretch, practice some gentle relaxation and meditation exercises, we sometimes journal or get creative. Any mostly we talk and we share. It is simply a wonderful way the spend a few hours in the company of a fantastic group of women, mothers just like you.


It's not a cliche to say that we all need a village. Not to raise our children but to raise ourselves as mothers so that we can show up for our families with all of our power. But building a village at a time in your life when you are the most stretched and unbalanced and the most in need of support is hard. A Mothers Circle will form the foundation of the village that you need.


All Mothers are welcome to join a Mothers Circle, whatever stage of motherhood they are in. Babies are welcome to join the Circles, up to an age that they are really actively crawling.

Mother & Baby Wellbeing Circles run in fixed blocks so that we can all connect as a group. By meeting together with the same group each week we gain trust and understanding and hopefully lasting friendship and support.
Occasional Mothers Circle retreats on evenings and weekends allow you the flexibility join us just as often as you can. Please see the booking page for details of upcoming events.


Circles aren't new, women meeting together to support other women is a tradition as old as time. But it is something we've forgot in modern life and it might be something new to you. So if you have any questions about the Mothers Circles please get in touch and I am happy to answer them.


I can’t wait to see you in a Circle soon.

‘Carving out some time to just "be" rather than "do" (and maybe meet some other moms too) is exactly what I need right now. I have been feeling very isolated in motherhood + relocation, and while I absolutely love my daughter and husband, I have had very little "me"/recharge time these past six months and that has been very draining.’

Jane, Mother Circle Participant


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